Friday, September 19, 2008

Well today was a great day!!!

I LOST 20LB as of today.  Well for those of you that don't know I got fat while I was pregnant with my two boys.  So I went to weight watchers and now  I am 20lb lighter.  I only have 15 more to go.  YA!!!  Daniel also has lost 20lb but he did that about a month ago not fair right.  We are really feeling great and have so much more energy, not that we were really fat or anything but it feels good to lose any weight.  I hope every one is having a great day.  Hope you have a great weekend.  


Julie Sacks said...

Go Anma! I was telling Justin how much I hate dieting and I hope I don't get too fat with this pregnancy because I will be in big trouble! My Mom is on weight watchers and has lost almost 20 lbs, it's an amazing program!

Katy said...

How exciting!! I bet you are feeling so great!! I gained a lot with Jackson and have finally lost all of the weight, but it feels like it took me forever! Great job and good luck with those last pounds!!

The whole bunch of us.

The whole bunch of us.
We are on the Franklin Mountains

My daddy look alike

My daddy look alike