Sunday, January 24, 2010

Ring Update!!!

Well, the other day I was sitting on the couch and Danny walks in, it had been a few days since I had seen my ring. He comes up in front of me and gets down on one knee then he pulls out my ring and says "will you marry me" and I started to cry just like the first time. Then he says "now you can't say I never got on my knee to ask you." He found it for me, it was in a towel that we had our Friday night date picnic on. He really is the very best husband ever, what a relief it is to have in back again. You just can't replace a diamond from South Africa just any day. So now I will be more careful. Anyway, I also wanted to say Danny your talk in church today was amazing love. Have a great day everyone!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

I Can't Believe I Did This!!!!

I can't believe I lost my wedding ring. Ya that is right it is gone. I have looked everywhere and it is not in my house. I haven't seen it since Wednesday. If this is a sign of how this year is going to go then it is going to be a long year for me. I have been crying for hours. I can't believe I could have done something so stupid as to have lost my wedding ring. Ya, so I guess it will be like another 20 yr before I get a new one, because once you get married and have kids who can justify spending that much money on another ring. At least I have the sweetest husband who has been so nice about it and who has been helping me look for it all day long. Anyway, I should have took that deer running in to our car as a sign as to how this year was going to start out. Sorry this is not a happy post but I just felt like screaming. So I thought that it might help to share with others. Anyway pray that I find it.

The whole bunch of us.

The whole bunch of us.
We are on the Franklin Mountains

My daddy look alike

My daddy look alike