Saturday, November 1, 2008

6 YEARS!!!!

Daniel and I have made it another year together!  I can not believe that Daniel and I have been together 6 years this week.  It is crazy how one movie can change everything.  Daniel and I watched a movie together at his parents house this week 6 years ago and I knew he had to be mine.  I really know that he was to be mine in high school here is that story.  At Youth Conference one year I was sitting in a class, (Daniel was also in that same class) when the teacher said some of you sitting in this room will marry people sitting in this room that you already know.  I thought to myself at that moment that is going to be me I am going to marry someone I already know.  Well that did come true 6 years ago I started dating the man of my revelation.  We have done so much and grown so much over these last 6 years.  We have become best friends, lovers, protectors, guiders, providers, and many other things to one another and our sweet boys.  How things change over 6 years we went from being single to married to parents, and there is no one I would rather be with then my best friend Daniel.  I am so grateful to my Father in Heaven for guiding me home early that summer and helping me see that I deserved the best.  Then he put the perfect man for me in my life and that was Daniel.  The Lord is very aware of us and knows the right people for our lives, he just knew that I need a sweet, handsome, loving, kind, hard working, generous, large hearted man.  So he prepared me from my youth to be ready and able to find and except the perfect man.  Daniel thanks for making these the best 6 years of my life and I can wait to spend the rest of eternity with you.  I love you!!! Happy 6 years sweetie.    

The whole bunch of us.

The whole bunch of us.
We are on the Franklin Mountains

My daddy look alike

My daddy look alike